This summer Audrey and I were quite busy working on Farm and Red Moon. We started by reviewing the rough assembly we put together last summer along with the pull reels (collections of “best of” footage we assembled last summer after logging all of the footage collected over a four year period).


After a couple of days watching, note taking, and discussion, we tackled the challenge of restructured our story into a cohesive dramatic flow with Act I (Audrey begins with an abhorrence over food animal slaughter), Act II (Audrey struggles with her ambivalence with food animal slaughter), and Act III (Audrey concluding with Verstehen, a German word for the empathic understanding of human behavior).

The Board-June-2015

You’d think that editing means spending long days in a room in front of a editing workstation, however, ye olde school 3×5 cards and a pin-up board is still the best editing tool we’ve come across.


Once high-level structuring decisions were made, we could then descend into the darkness of the editing suite.  Our summer intern, Timothy McQuaid, a Media and Screen Studies student at Northeastern University, worked diligently helping us pull selects and assembling rough edits of scenes.


Our next step is to finish our preparations for our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, as we’re at a point where we’re ready to work on the fine cut of the film with an editor, complete the animation working with Kara Nasdor-Jones. Once we do that, we can move into the final phases of post-production including our sound mix and color grading. But before anything else happens, we need to raise some money!