by Audrey Kali | Nov 11, 2015 | Uncategorized
This past Friday and Saturday were pivotal days for me in the course of our Kickstarter Campaign. My request for funding from the vegan community resulted in a social media Blitzkrieg that is still reverberating as I write this. First there was backlash from...
by Audrey Kali | Sep 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
We started our day with Eric (and son Duke in tow) taking us to see the cow & calf herd. We hadn’t seen these animals for over a year so it was amazing to see that the calves we met before are now full-grown cows nursing their own calves. It was quite the...
by Audrey Kali | Sep 8, 2014 | News
On August 1st we traveled to Ithaca, New York and spoke with Dr. Joe M. Regenstein, Professor in the Department of Food Science at Cornell University. He is also the director of the Cornell Kosher and Halal Food Initiative. This program provides research, teaching,...
by Audrey Kali | Sep 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
In August of 2013, David and I had the pleasure of taking Eric Shelley with us on our second visit to White Oak Pastures in Georgia to meet with Will Harris. Having these two phenomenal farmers meet each other was rewarding for us. Will Harris graciously gave Eric a...
by Audrey Kali | Apr 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
On March 12th, 2013, Eric Shelley, instructor of meat processing at SUNY Cobleskill who is featured prominently in Farm and Red Moon, came to visit us at Audrey Kali’s house to talk about the film. Audrey was happy to be able to show Eric the hide she had tanned from...